Katherine Wilde congratulated herself. She bad neatly sidestepped her father's demand that she accept young Pemberton's timid proposal by mentioning the attentions she'd received, from Simon Stafford, the Marquis of Staines. Her father was so anxious to improve his status as a merchant banker that his eyes lit up at the idea of an alliance with the Marquis, no matter that be was a complete rake who would make the worst sort of husband. Of course Katherine knew that she, a Cit's daughter, meant nothing to Staines. Why be seemed to be taking an interest in her, she couldn't say. And why she was encouraging him was an even more perplexing question.
Simon could almost be taken in by the clever and altogether too attractive Miss Wilde. She certainly played her part well. But Simon bad been briefed on her father's treasonous financial dealings across the Channel and the daughter was undoubtedly in cahoots with the father. He would dally with this lovely traitor just long enough to trip her up, and then be wouldn't hesitate to turn her over to the proper authorities -- unless he first turned her over his knee! Although he had to confess, he'd been growing rather fond of the little minx...
Hero: Simon Stafford, Marquis of Staines
Heroine: Miss Katherine Wilde