Gwyneth Winword swooned -- and then she slapped Major Giles Fitzalen-Hill. The handsome, haughty British officer seemed to think that one stolen kiss would make her breathless. Well, in truth, it did, but Gwyneth would sooner die than admit it. Never had the British noblewoman dreamed that an innocent visit to America's Fort Detroit would take such a fateful turn! And when Giles was chosen to escort her through the perilous wilderness to Montreal, Gwyneth knew her heart was in danger. What was a well-bred lady to do? Battle his manly embraces with feminine wit and wiles? Challenge his seductive words with sharp sallies? But when Giles turned up aboard the trans-Atlantic ship carrying her back to London -- and her debut among the haut ton -- Gwyneth feared she faced ruin on the high seas...unless she could turn this officer into a gentleman worthy of winning their passionate duel of hearts.