On a trip to Georgia to see her father, M. J. Holliday finds herself trapped in a haunted mansion and discovers...
M.J. has had a distant relationship with her father since her mother died more than two decades ago. But when M.J., her boyfriend, Heath, and BFF, Gilley, take a break from their show, " Ghoul Getters," and visit her family home in Valdosta, Georgia, they find Montgomery Holliday a changed man. The source of his happiness seems to be his new fiancee, the charming Christine Bigelow.
But despite the blush of new love, Montgomery and Christine are dealing with a big problem in the form of the antebellum mansion she is having renovated. After a series of strange accidents, the work crew is convinced the place is cursed, and the contractor has walked off the job. At Christine's request, M.J. and her pals agree to find out if they're really dealing with some spirited saboteurs and a possessed plantation home.