Will A Misguided Matchmaker...
Happily devoted to running her school for local children, Miss Eleanor Milford could never forsake her independence for marriage. But her formidable grandmother insists that she find a husband for her flighty young cousin, Priscilla. As luck would have it, there is a suitable candidate -- Eleanor's former suitor, Griffith Preston, Lord Bromley. Possessed of the good sense and judgment that Priscilla lacks, he would make an ideal husband. In fact, each delightful encounter with Griffith makes Eleanor uncomfortably aware of just how perfect he would be...
...Discover The Perfect Love?
Griffith Preston's life changed when he inherited an earldom. With it came a host of new responsibilities, not least of which is securing a wife. He's astonished to learn that the beguiling beauty who once refused him has never married -- and that she is more appealing than ever. Pretending to court Priscilla -- who prefers the company of a notorious rake -- gives him an excellent excuse to be near Eleanor. Wishing for more than Eleanor's friendship would surely be folly...unless he dares to hope that she might exercise a lady's cherished right...and change her mind.