Now in a mini edition! Includes letters from Santa, an Advent calendar, a Santa Claus ornament, a foldout guide to reindeer jokes, and one very special treasure.Dear Santa Claus,
I saw a man in a store today who said he was Santa
Claus. He was dressed like you, but was it you?
It's time for Holly to make her Christmas list, but she has a few questions for Santa Claus first. So she decides to write notes to Santa instead and is amazed when he replies -- five times! Readers will be as excited as Holly to reach inside real envelopes and find her missives from Santa. Along with the removable letters, they'll discover an advent calendar, a Santa Claus ornament, a foldout reindeer guide (with answers to common questions, plus favorite reindeer jokes), and one last, special treasure that Holly finally dares to wish for.