They were unable to resist the magic of Cupid's touch...
When she first heard the Marquis of Brandreth's boast that he would make her fall in love with him, Lady Evanthea Swanbourne could not help but laugh. The nerve of the man! True, she was past marriageable age, but never would she involve herself with such a scandalous rake! Yet within a fortnight of her decision, Evanthea found herself changing her mind and developing a certain tendre for the handsome lord--never suspecting that it was the intervention of Cupid's wife, Psyche, who was turning her heart towards love...
If there was one thing the Marquis of Brandreth planned on doing, it was putting saucy Lady Evanthea Swanbourne in her place! Yet once he had her in his arms, Brandreth was astonished to find how pleasing it was to hold her. How could it be that his deception was turning into desire? Never in his wildest dreams would be have suspected that it was the Lady Cupid interfering with his hearts affections... determined to see that Evanthea found the perfect match!