All of Regency England whispered about the poet, Lord Byron, for no gentleman was more dashing or more daring. And everyone had heard the legend-his kiss would lead a lady to folly...
The famous poet Bryon not only kissed the wrist of Emily Longcliffe--he also pressed a secret message into her hand that led her to seek the aid of a roguish rakehell named Kingsbridge to help locate her cousin Evangeline.
Until Lord Byron placed that note in her hand, Emily never knew the meaning of the word excitement...or romance. Five years on the shelf and still unwed, her life was going along at a dull, slow pace. Now, with the handsome Kingsbridge at her side, she begins to feel passionate longings she knew existed before. But would Kingsbridge continue to aid her cause without demanding payment in return? Or would he demand a price no woman date give lightly...the complete surrender of her heart?
Hero: Lord Evan Kingsbridge
Heroine: Emily Longcliffe