When Vanessa Riddick's beloved older brother, Tony, aka Basco, dies unexpectedly, finding his journal leads to more his secret life and friendships in the local BDSM community. Vanessa's world revolved around work and her brother, so she gravitates to his friends, who welcome her with open hearts.
Reed and Lyle were friends and play-partners with Basco and wondered what happened to him, why he'd suddenly dropped off the radar. As they get to know his little sister, they realize their interest in her is more than trying to keep the spirit of their friend alive. They are falling for her.
Vanessa has lived her life in a career-driven stranglehold, and now the loss of her brother has sent her into an emotional tailspin. One thing's for certain - she can't keep going the way she is. And she's beginning to wonder if Reed and Lyle might be the answer to her finally having the life she's longed for.