Terrified, and in fear for her life after her husband, an undercover cop, is killed, Melanie Ross has nowhere to hide.
A squadron from a far planet visiting Earth on a reconnaissance survey prepares to leave, without one of their members who is dying of a virus.
Irena must remain on Earth, so seeks a replacement to take her craft back to the other side of the Universe. Seeing Melanie's predicament she offers her an escape. Reluctantly Melanie agrees. Conquering her fears, she must learn to live among a superior race on Qindaga.
Reve, commander of the star ship circling their planet, bears an inexplicable resemblance to her dead husband. Passion flares amid the stars, but can love with an alien flourish?
Previously published as: Amaryllis
"This is a strong outer space romance starring two delightful star-crossed lovers (literal & figurative). The story line is loaded with earthly and solar action. The support cast enables the audience to understand decisions made especially those by Melanie. Tricia McGill provides readers with a cogent romantic science fiction that is sure to gain her fans from both genres. Great Futuristic Romance."
Harriet Klausner The Best Reviews
"Ms. McGill's other world development is very believable. She provides realistic characters, and the landscape of Qindaga is similar enough to earth to avoid being jarring. She tells a good story that flows nicely and is consistent. This book does provide a love story and lots of sexual tension. Ms. McGill is a good writer with a unique story idea, a great imagination and a nice writing style with excellent dialogue. I look forward to her next offering."
Carmel Vivier for Romance Reviews Today
"This is a love story, first and foremost. Rarely have two people met and fallen so hard, so fast in love. And rarely have two people had so many obstacles on their path. Reve, a native from Qindaga, has more things on his mind than catering to what he thinks of as an inferior being. Typical of his society, he doesn't understand the concept of marriage or love, or understand Melanie's grief. Yet, when Melanie and Reve meet, sparks fly. The love scenes in this book are very sensuous. The book is a fast, enjoyable read for those who love space travel and different planets, the clash of cultures, and some hot sex scenes!"
Jennifer Macaire author and reviewer
"Tricia McGill delivers a good, solid romance with endearing aliens and a slight tinge of suspense. This is a charming futuristic by a fan favourite."
Kelly Rae Cooper for Romantic Times Magazine
"If you're looking for a story full of excitement, intrigue and love then this is the book for you. Tricia McGill has cleverly woven a story of two worlds of different cultures and beliefs -- alien and separate, except for one thing-- the undeniable love of an alien man for an earth woman. This is a must read from beginning to its final, shattering and most satisfying conclusion. I highly recommend this book."
Elizabeth Forsyth author and reviewer
"Australian author Tricia McGill achieves a nice balance between science fiction and sensual romance. The color, beauty and technology of an alien planet come alive in a story where nothing is quite what it seems, but the universal emotions of love and trust span worlds and space. McGill keeps the pages turning with a tour of a planet that introduces readers to its citizens as she deepens the relationship between her main characters while maintaining tension through both external and internal conflict. McGill reserves some surprises that dress up the resolution nicely. If you like science fiction romance with a splash of suspense, you won't be disappointed."
Mary Allyce for TheWriteLifestyle