Emily Snow is a gentle, kind-hearted young woman who plays by the rules, makes good decisions, and always does the right things. But her quiet and rather uneventful life soon changes when her mother dies--the only family she had left, leaving her devastated and grief-stricken. Ready to bury her sorrow, and with coaxing from her best friend, Samantha Baldwin, Emily decides to make a fresh start, moving from her hometown of Atlanta, to the power capital of Washington, DC. There, she fights to build a new life and tame a secret demon that's been gnawing at her for years, the one thing her heart has always desired...her best friend's father!
Samantha Baldwin is the ultimate rebel, not necessarily with a cause! Wild and bold, she does whatever she wants without a second thought. From her poor choices in bad men, to her tumultuous relationship with her mother, Samantha has always run from truth and straight into trouble. But just as she's about to finally get her act together, a chain of events threatens to spin her life dangerously out of control. Embroiled in drama, Samantha doesn't think things can get any worse...until her best friend betrays her in a way she never imagined. Now, she must tap into an inner-strength she didn't know she had, and hold on to a family she realizes is worth fighting for.