An Experiment In Passion...
"New" money was about as acceptable in Manhattan society as last year's fashions, which was why Hannah Carrington, her four sisters, and their father's railroad wealth had been whisked off to Paris by Hannah's mother. Hannah was glad to explore the City of Light, but husband-hunting was another matter, for Hannah had a secret dream -- the study of science. Marriage would put an end to all that -- unless it was to a man as inclined to scholarly study as she was, namely Lord Benjamin Ramsey.
...Or Proof Of Love?
When he was arrested for conducting an experiment without a permit, Benjamin was surprised to meet another chastised scientist behind bars -- especially such a lovely one. Yet Hannah seemed the answer to all his problems -- her dowry would fund his impoverished estate and her thoughtful intelligence would make her the perfect woman to run his home while he ran his laboratory. But Hannah had other ideas, as dangerous as the chemistry sizzling between them. Would it lead to something far more potent -- like love?