In the final installment of The Fragments Series, tensions are brought to an all-time high as the climactic finale of this high-stakes Sci-Fi tale unfolds. Fans of Veronica Roth will rave as they are transported to a bleak, unforgiving world reminiscent of Mad Max.
The time has come for Kai and her friends to make a final stand, and as the war begins, everyone must choose a side. But with the lines between good and evil more blurred than ever, Kai has to stick with her convictions and follow her heart. Her first priority is to free Finn from Tessa Raven's clutches as she embodies the evil she once fought against.
As Kai reluctantly turns on those she once considered her closest friends, she struggles against a mysterious new power that threatens to destroy what is left of Finn and change everything she thought she knew about the planet.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Aric remain behind and help Raven breach the underground world of the Science Council. All bets are off as they prepare to cross every line and burn every bridge to claim the world that has abused them for too long.