The UK in chaos; tens of thousands dead from the Ebola virus, thousands more dying every day; the NHS decimated of staff and impotent to control the spread; marshal law and armed police powerless against the widespread riots, looting and indiscriminate murder.
The one faint chance of preventing that scenario: a badly wounded and disturbed man, fumbling in the dark.
Likely to be banned as a textbook for terrorists, 'Blockbuster' details a fool proof method for killing hundreds of thousands without the need to carry a firearm or a bomb.
When DI John Hunter is called out to witness the retrieval of the skeleton of a murder victim buried twelve years earlier he has no idea of the deadly forces he is about to unleash. A partial fingerprint gives him six possible identities for the skeleton and trying to ascertain which of the six was the actual victim has him trying to find his way through a maze, under the stern gaze of the Secret Services. The discovery of the ancient corpse opens old wounds and soon occasions more deaths.
When John finally knows who the victim was he finds that he is up against two murderous Russian financiers, Rock and Smart, aka Doom and Death, multi-millionaires who milk the market by arranging 'accidents' around the globe to depress share prices after they have 'sold short', and he foolishly risks the danger he is putting himself and his wife Jane in when he confronts one of them.
Just before disaster strikes he becomes aware of a scheme hatched by the Russian gangsters that is so diabolical in nature that it is almost unbelievable, a scheme that will bring the UK to its knees.
Near death from a gunshot wound and with Jane abducted and missing John is determined that Rock and Smart shall not bring their aims to fruition. That determination is to bring him down to the level of the animals.
After reading this book you may never want to protect yourself against viruses again!