They said it was a tale told by a fool.
But that's not how young Jonah Cord figured it when he met up with Gabriel Brannigan.
One of them had seen it all and the other was about to. And all it took was an apple pie, a bottle of whiskey and strong cigar for Jonah to hear about Gabriel's legendary trials out West.
Gabriel had learned early to cut up rough when Lomas Chain and his cronies took out his trapper pa. The resulting blood pact forced Gabriel to fight as a blue belly at the brutal battle of Cold Harbor before yet another clash with his nemesis. The sad aftermath earned him a lawman's star and brought him both the girl he was to marry and a honeymoon with a pack of murderous renegades. And that was before he rode stagecoach, met a handsome gambling woman and entered the Indian Wars.
But Gabriel's long hard road did not end there, as Jonah was to find out.
Far from it in fact, Jonah was to discover that some old guns just won't settle by the fireside and ride peaceable into the sunset.