Drayton doesn't know what he is. Or why he has lived for thousands of years. He takes not his victim's blood but the silky essence of their soul during their last breath. Often mistaken for the Angel of Death, his victims sometimes ask for forgiveness. Sometimes he delivers. After all, he is not without sin.
The Drayton Chronicles is a collection of short stories.
Did you ever think you'd write about vampires?
Nope. Drayton came out of nowhere when I was at a community theatre production of Dracula. I figured that an immortal vampire would more likely become compassionate and wise as he grew older. Twilight put a different spin on the vampire genre, much different than Nosferatu. Drayton's nothing like Twilight. Or Nosferatu.
What's a downside to writing a character similar that's similar to you?
Predictable. Boring. If every book I write is similar, it ceases to surprise the reader. That's what I loved about Drayton, he was just the opposite of me. This paranormal being was fearless not out of bravado but the wisdom brought about by countless years of immortality. I called him a vampire because it was the word that fit him the best in his early years, but he became something much for that. Whatever a vampire becomes after the gore and bloodsucking, sort of like the caterpillar and butterfly.
Do your characters ever resemble you in your beliefs?
Some do. But there are others that are just fun to go the other way, especially antagonists. I do find it interesting, even courageous, when authors can write very demented, sick and twisted antagonists. It's very revealing to show the world what's bouncing around in your head.
What do you think is the most important aspect of writing a character?
Letting him or her grow in my head. It's when I'm driving to work, taking a shower, or lying in bed that they come to life. It's also one of the most gratifying elements of writing. I've enjoyed letting this vampire walk through my mind, leaving his short stories behind.