This intriguing novel begins in post-war Germany where seemingly harmless, radio-controlled, toy tanks are discovered left over from a secret Nazi factory. Before they mysteriously disappear, it becomes evident that they are deadly dangerous. Sixty years later, Paris Wheeler attends the American School in Munich where to her astonishment she witnesses the destruction of the school cafeteria by toy tanks. Of course no one believes her... until far worse is threatened. Paris has learned from her grandfather's last letter to her not only that the tanks are evil and uncontrollable but that she is the only person left to stop them. She also has to convince her friends to enter the underground tunnels beneath the old factory and face these monsters of destruction. Find out how they outwit the evil toy tanks to save us all from their power. Tom Townsend is a writer, an expert on military vehicles and a film producer. He and his wife, Janet, live on a cattle ranch n