This anthology features Duffy Dombrowski Short Story Mysteries, world famous Basset Hound Haiku and heartwarming stories of triumphant basset hound rescue. If you haven't already fell in love with Duffy and Al get ready to with new short stories like "The Hound Who Went Moo" and with never before seen training episodes with Al like "Al and the Clicker", "Al Goes to Agility Training" and "Al and the Mexican Guy."
The best selling novella "Planter's Punch," co-authored with JA Konrath is also featured teaming Duffy, Al and tough Chicago cop Jack Daniels.
You'll get to meet the "Duffy Dogs of the Week" and read about the heroes who devote their time saving neglected and abused hounds.
And throughout you can sit, ponder and revel in Ginny Tata-Phillips's unique Bassetku.