The tragic story of Rose, a young girl from a strict Irish Catholic upbringing, who leaves home to pursue her fame and fortune on the stages of Chicago. Through hard work and meeting the right people, she starts her journey by landing small roles in two plays. Things look good for young Rose until... Rose runs up against a major roadblock to her career and life. An unplanned pregnancy changes everything. In todays world, this would be a difficult, but not insurmountable issue. In the late 1920's, it was a life changer. What should she do? What can she do? Knowing the heartbreak she will cause, she returns home to tell her parents. The three of them try to come up with a solution, but each plan has huge downsides. A solution finally presents itself, but it come from a totally unexpected source-the Catholic Church. What's left are family secrets and a sacrafices too incredible to believe.