When the Rangers discover that a deadly and horrificdragon of unspeakable power has been loosed upon their world, they mustfind a way to destroy the monster before the creature of shadows burnsthem all into oblivion. Complicating their efforts, the discovery of asecret and hidden dragon cult that worships the monster, and aconspiracy of dark forces from the realm of shadows, threatens todestroy the peace their world has known for centuries and bring war tothe people of Hir. Political and economic turmoil ensue and result inmistrust between the rulers of the lands of Hir.
Struggling to survive the deepest of betrayals, the Rangers face adark and foreboding time, as the world of Hir changes dramaticallyaround them. Baric faces an impossible task of entering the realm ofshadows, the World Between Worlds, to stop the lethal attacks of theKing of Shadows, Doomrage, and save the soul of his lost love, Whisper.
The Day of Chaos is one that will go down in the annals of historyas a day that altered the political landscape of Hir forever, and theRangers must struggle to survive in a world gone mad, as the shadows ofdeath and destruction fall over the entire world. Friends are lost, andnew friends are found, in a story of survival and determination for theRangers of Laerean.