In this epic drama from beloved radio personality Tom Bodett, a host of unforgettable characters from the end of the road - Alaska - venture to the lower 48 to discover an America they barely recognize. The first to arrive is Ed Flannigan, who has one arm, no job, and not a clue about how to get on with his life. Somehow he winds up in Quartz Creek, Oregon, contending with New Age colonists, organic vegetables, and a cranky old farmer who gives him peculiar and good advice about growing peaches. Meanwhile, Lloyd and Evelyn Decker leave home and hit the road in a powder blue Road Ranger to find their wayward children; Oliver the Dreamer, a soft-spoken amnesiac, finds a home and a family under a bridge in Seattle; and Webster Cummings, a statistical research analyst, survives a fall from a commuter plane to bring together these and other strange and wonderful characters for an unexpected revelation that alters all their lives.