WithSpawn, legendary writer and artist Todd McFarlane unleashed his iconicantihero on the world, and launched the most successful independent comic bookin history.
A government agent, AlSimmons was killed by his own men. Resurrected from the depths of hell, hereturns to Earth as the warrior Spawn, guarding the forgotten alleys of New YorkCity. As he seeks answers about his past, Spawn grapples with the dark forcesthat returned him to Earth, battling enemies and discovering unlikely allies. Ashe learns to harness his extraordinary new powers, he begins to grasp the fullextent of what brought him back - and what he left behind.
Spawn: Compendium 1 presents thestories and artwork that helped create the Spawn legacy - for the first time inglorious black and white. Features Todd McFarlane''s legendary hyper-detailed artand stories, as well as colloborations with industry giants Greg Capullo(Batman), Alan Moore (Watchmen), Dave Sim, (Cerebus), MarcSilvestri (Uncanny X-Men, Cyberforce), Frank Miller (SinCity), and Grant Morrison (Batman). Collects Spawn issues#1-50.