When the treasured white sugar of Sugarbowl is turned brown and useless by the Brown Witch, two boys, Tabby and Tubby Reynolds, discover a way to destroy her power. They seek the aid of Peduncle, a man who lives in the Great Marsh on the border of Sugarbowl, and the three of them set out on a journey to visit the mysterious Tridley. The Brown Witch discovers the three are missing through various clues and she begins her search for them. At the Crack in the Earth she finds them, only to learn that they now know of the upside-down trees and its fruit, which is needed to render her powerless! A chase begins through strange lands and culminates at the Silver Castle in the land of Bad Lingus McVail, where the Brown Witch comes face to face with her greatest fear: her loss of power. But the story doesn't end there! Bad Lingus McVail has his own secrets to protect. He directs Tabby, Tubby, and Peduncle to begin their strange journey home by a different route. They find the trip home as hard as the trip coming, and along the way, they face adventures that change the course of Sugarbowl's future. This enchanting tale for young and old alike will linger in your mind. Sugarbowl is so close, and yet so far away! Timothy Murphy and his wife live in Caledonia, Illinois. He taught creative writing at Hononegah High School for 20 years. Publisher's website: