Come with me on a journey to Mister Everett's Antique Store and see how all the old clocks and pocket watches come to life. Meet Silver, the little pocket watch who goes everywhere with Mister Everett in his pocket. Meet Mighty and Mercy the two huge grandfather and grandmother clocks. Get to see what's inside of an old clock and pocket watch that causes them to tick and to tock. See what happens to Hunter, the naughty Cuckcoo Clock who likes to steal and who is very rude. Get to meet Teak the old broken mantle clock, who is very sad because his mechanism is broken and his label is lost. See what happens to him when Hunter steals cogs from his mechanism? Then there's the “Book of Life” for clocks and pockets watches. Open the door, and please come in as it is cozy and warm inside Mister Everett's Antique Store by the fire place.