Sex Criminals meets the Fantastic Four in MONEY SHOT, a sexy sci-fi space adventure about scientists exploring the exotic side of alien civilizations!A STORY ABOUT SCIENTISTS HAVING SEX WITH ALIENS FOR THE GLORY OF MANKIND -- AND MONEY.
The XXX-plorers have a good thing going, funding science with sex. Then the President of the U.S.A. decides he wants in on the action. Meanwhile, strife, STIs, chainsaw genitalia, and the threat of total eradication by aliens loom large.
Just as the XXX-plorers get into the groove of funding science with sex, the man who helped take away all their funding in the first place demands to join the team: THE PRESIDENT OF THE DAMN UNITED STATES. Now saddled with pretty much the worst person in the whole country, the group must overcome interpersonal strife, STD fears, and chainsaw genitalia to convince the universe that we don't deserve to be eradicated.
Read the entire super hot, sexy science fiction MONEY SHOT series! Money Shot Vol. 1 collects issues #1 to #5.
Money Shot Vol. 2 collects issues #6 - #10 Money Shot Vol. 3 collects issues #11 - #15
Money Shot Vol. 4: Money Shot Comes Again! is a brand new arc!