What will the future of Football look like? The world is changing at such a rapid pace. Your cell phone is already outdated the day you bought it!Football players are faster and fitter due to a greater understanding of the science of the body. Players today are now super athletes. They are running the 100 meters in almost Olympic times. Gone are the days where you worked a full time job and played for your club on weekends for fun.Football boots have change with lighter and more modern materials. The ball has changed. It is faster and more accurate. Great science has gone into developing it. Uniforms have changed. Fan bases have increased around the world. Technology has changed and has now been introduced into the game. The players and the equipment are evolving and the beautiful game is evolving with it?So, what hasn't changed? The size of the field hasn’t changed. The size of the goal posts hasn’t changed. There have been minor changes to the rules but what will the future of Football look like? What changes will still be made to Football?This is what I believe the future of Football will look like.