Nobody had any idea what it meant to truly be a phone actress.
This is what the woman who worked the job preferred to be called. I have met a lot of woman in my life who have done it, but none like Linda. An actress is what Linda was the moment she logged in. She would pretend for each and every guy that he was her main interest.
How a normal call would go, would be the man would be drunk, or high, heavy breathing, and begging to just hear her. He didn't care what she was wearing, what she looked like, what she did for a living, he just wanted to hear her.
The woman on the other end though, had a much harder job. Their bosses are breathing down their neck to keep the callers on the line as long as possible.
Many guys had a fight with their wives, or girlfriends, and all they want to do is abuse a woman with their voice. Many times the woman gets yelled at and screamed at, even sometimes to tears. That was many of the calls these woman deal with. Then there are the hard ones.
The very first call that Linda got that upset her had her trembling afterwards. Let's just say, as she was talking to the man, he said he was a father. He was doing things that a father should not be doing. His daughter, who could be heard in the background, was much too young to defend herself, let's just say that.
The caller can talk about whatever he wants without consequence. You, as an actress, must act your way through this. These types of calls were making her sick and just too many of them, and she decided it was time to do something about them!