A lot can happen in five years. They made the slave quarters bigger, which consists of about twenty small tents, a well, a porta potty, no electricity, and no luxuries of life.
Surrounding the quarters is a barbed wired, electric fence, with a ten-foot privacy fence, so nobody can see in or out. When Herb brings in a man, he is sedated, and immediately tied to a chair. They splash water onto his face to wake him, and then he is read out his crime, and told his punishment. His punishment consists of a life of hard labor on the tribe, in the slave quarters. If he tries to deny (which he always does) they play over the loud speakers the calls.
The elders require Linda to record phone calls where he admits what he does to the minor children. If he uses his hands or fingers, he immediately has his finger and toe nails slowly ripped off using pliers and then soaked in a salt/vinegar water for about an hour, and then expected to be up at 4:00 a.m. the next morning to start hard labor on the fields.
If you stop working on the fields, the leader will whip you on the spot. If the man used his private area to commit his crime, he is immediately castrated, by a doctor in the tribe, using no pain medication, and again, forced to work the very next day. Punishment for trying to escape and refusing to work is the same. There were only three ways you could possibly escape.