The Western Awakening Quartet follows the lives and loves of three men and their families - American, British, and Israeli - as they facilitate and then fight in the two great conflicts in the second decade of the 21st Century. Despite their great human cost, these conflicts will trigger the extraordinary burst of global economic growth that takes humankind to the stars.
The Correction is the second of the four books.
By early 2016, the United Kingdom's economy is wrecked. The nation is a subsidiary of the bankrupt European Union. Gibraltar, the Falklands, and the nation's oil and gas fields have been transferred to the EU.
A group of British entrepreneurs and professionals plan a combined coup and revolution and are negotiating for support from the British military. Then the ruling elite kidnaps an Army veteran's child for sale to foreigners and the British flip from endurance to ultraviolence.
Over a million demonstrators move on the fortified Houses of Parliament. This is no ordinary demo. We the People have high-tech weapons and coordinate using smartphones. Hackers drill into the government's networks and databases. Ex-soldiers give armed cover. Drones feed real-time battlefield intel.
Then, depending which side of The Correction you're on, it's either the best of times or the worst of times.