Noot, Zimp, and Storret, the crow, run for their lives, while attempting to have a sacred vigil for the loss of their fellow doublesight. But with ransoms on their heads, who can they trust? After the battle at Castle Weilk, the doublesight split up and hide from the humans. Once again, they are hunted down and murdered, only this time more aggressively, and with bounties on the heads of key individuals. Noot has lost touch with his long-time friend and cousin Zimp, and searches for her inside the castle walls -- the most dangerous place of all. On a sacred mission of her own, Zimp along with Storret, her crow companion, decide to travel Tortuous Road back through Brendern Forest where her quest originally started. Captured by bandits, Noot and Zimp wait to be traded for King Belford's ransom when help arrives in the form of an unlikely doublesight clan. A solemn time in her life, Zimp never expects to find the one person she was almost positive was dead. His presence (and damaged condition) pushes Zimp forward more forcefully, and she becomes determined to find a place where she and other doublesight can live in peace.