Abstract Writings is a collection of short storieswritten by Terry Persun through the 1970s,80s, and 90s. Many of these stories have beenpublished by small, idependent magazines anduniversity publications. The stories vary in length from short, flashfiction pieces of fewer than 500 words, tolonger stories of several thousand words. Theyhave been collected here for the first time.Written in a variety of genre styles fromscience fiction and horror to mainstream andliterary, the strangest stories are often the mostimaginative, and this collection has its share ofstrange stories. Overall, the stories have been collected so thatthere is a place for people to come and enjoynew and old stories by this author of varyingstyles. -- Terry Persun is a five-time award winner,an Amazon bestselling author, and a wellrespected novelist and poet. He lives in thePacific Northwest.