In this “hauntingly beautiful story about love, family, and relationships,” a mysterious dog helps an elderly man in his final days (Archbishop Desmond Tutu). After Sam Peek's beloved wife Cora dies, his children are worried about him. After fifty-seven years of marriage, they are unsure how their elderly father will survive on his own. They talk about him as if he can't hear them, questioning how he'll run a farm, drive his truck, or live by himself.
When Sam tells his children about a white dog who visits him, yet seems invisible to everyone else, they are sure that grief and old age have taken a toll on their father. But, real or not, the creature soothes Sam's grief and ultimately reconciles him with his own mortality.
In this bittersweet story of love, grief, and coming to terms with death, “master storyteller” Terry Kay takes readers on Sam's journey with his white dog, bringing solace and comfort to the inevitable transition that all must make (
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution).