In a small village in 14th-century England, a bright young boy named Tom is restless. Tired of studying and digging ditches, he dreams of noble crusades in far-off lands. He decides that he must have his freedom and flees to the forest to elude pursuers. There he meets the terrifying Wolfman, who becomes an unexpected friend. Throughout his eventful journey, Tom encounters a colorful assortment of characters, but none more lively than Alan, who leads them both to France to fight for king and country. With its non-stop adventure and marvelous humor, readers will be turning the pages as quickly as they can to follow Tom and Alan through ambush and skirmish, battle and siege. Terry Jones, a former member of the legendary Monty Python group, is also the author of Nicobobinus and Fairy Tales and Fantastic Stories. Michael Foreman is the award-winning illustrator of numerous books, including Farm Boy, War Boy, and The Little Ships.