For many thousands of years the Suthekh had waited, trapped in the heart of an Egyptian Pyramid. Now at last the moment of release, when all the force of his pent-up malice would be unleashed upon the world, had come. The TARDIS lands on the site of Unit headquarters in the year 1911, and the Doctor and Sarah emerge to fight a terrifying and deadly battle.
The mind of Sutekh the Destroyer is consumed with jealousy and hatred. Convinced that all living things are his mortal enemy, he is determined to annihilate all forms of life throughout the universe.
Imprisoned at the heart of an Egyptian pyramid, the force of his maniacal evil has been paralysed for centuries. But now, after thousands upon thousands of years of long captivity, the moment of deliverance has arrived.
Sutekh's vicious megalomania is about to be unleashed upon the world--unless the Doctor succeeds in outwitting a mind so powerful it can force him to his knees and torture him at a glance...