Grab a cup of coffee and a diner breakfast. It's time to return to Palm Dunes.
An epic showdown with a tremendous force of evil is looming on the horizon. Jackie and Lucas, along with their small band of friends and fellow Carruthers Institute agents, are on edge as they all await the opening blows in this battle to keep the dreaded Hive from making their terrifying plans for world domination a reality.
But meanwhile, life goes on in Palm Dunes, the Florida retirement community where Jackie and Lucas are the youngest honorary residents. Jackie, who's still getting used to her new life as both a restaurant-owner and secret agent, is also now dealing with a prickly young sous-chef who needs her guidance and help. Lucas is confronted with a series of mysterious deaths, where the victims seem to have nothing in common. Even his role of Death Broker can't help him find the killer.
And their friend and neighbor Mrs. Mac, busy competing in the Ms. Florida Senior Living pageant, just may be the next victim.
End of the world? Who has time?