Each and every person has or will commit a sin in thier life. Sometimes the results of their decisions can cause catastrophic events to unfold. For those that are fortunate enough to carry his mark with them, get a second chance granted by Oroxious himself. This short story series touches on the lives of seven beings, and we get to be the witnesses to either their undoing, or their salvation. Join Oroxious on his search for souls in a world of chaos and sins.One night can change the course of life dramatically, and this is exactly what happens to Russell Osweld and his two children, Jackson and Kaylee. After losing his wife to cancer years before, Russ had done nothing but focus on his kids and try to right the tragic wrong that fatefully fell upon his family, as impossible as that seemed to be. Sacrificing his own happiness for years, Russ decides it's time to start moving forward. Maybe, just maybe, this night was not the night to do this. What decision will Russ face in his experience of the deadly sins? Oroxious will show us the way! Join the journey of this soul as we delve into the third part in Oroxious and the Deadly Sins. Trigger Warning: Contains adult content, sexual content, mentions drug use, insinuates sexual abuse, child abduction.