In her dreams, a hearth and a husband...
With hair shiny black as a moonless night and luscious green eyes as luminescent as a cat's, Seana has been whispered to be a child of the brownies. But not even a little spritely magic can help her claim what she really wanted-a home and a marriage to a particular handsome clansman who is blind to her wiles. To win his attentions, she will have to strike a bargain with another man: a wickedly handsome rake. Yet, even knowing better than to trust this irrepressible charmer, she finds she is quickly falling under his spell.
In her heart, a rake and a rogue...
Colin Mac Brodie has the tawny good looks and potent magnetism that leave women weak with anticipation. So when a mischievous beauty asks for his help to woo hiss best friend, Colin is intrigued. And though it is in his blood to dally with many, once Colin feels the pulse of true love he cannot bear to let another man have Seana. Now he is determines to kneel before this budding temptress who neither cares for nor trusts him--and convince her to be his. ..from this day forward.