Little Brother once thought having plenty of food and the love of Sally the Breed would be the best life possible on Mother's World, where the genedocs run the Church of Flesh and the Emperor rules over a system where your tattooed genecode determines your life, your job and your future. In his world, rich people have more than poor people, the genengineered Breeds rule over the standard genetype Commoners, and everyone he knows in the Yoshiwara always looks to get the better part of any deal. Just one of the Standard Rules. Like, you don't get something for nothing. Or, Serve and you eat, don't Serve and you starve. They were rules he'd grown up with as he scavenged through the garbage piles of Alor City Dump, an orphan with no genecode tattoo. He'd always followed the Rules. Until he talked to a piece of tied-up garbage named Sally and began the wildest adventure of his life. But now, living in Sally's skyrise tower with plenty of food did not satisfy him. Who had hired the assassin who'd tried to kill both him and Sally? Why did the Emperor tolerate the rule of the genecode? And were there other gene-manipulated children like himself, people with illegal genecodes, still suffering at the hands of renegade genedocs? His search for answers leads him and Sally into the Purple Mountains and the jungles of Brasilia continent. It is a journey that reveals a deadly evil hiding in the mountains, an evil that aims to kill him, kill Sally and destroy any chance of changing the Rules of his world. But he and Sally have special Talents, Talents that have grown stronger as they grow older. And their joined Talents may just allow them to survive, and maybe even change their world!