In German, Poltergeist literally translates as rumbling spirit. Unlike some hauntings, the Poltergeist usually attaches to a person rather than a place, causing mischief such as hiding items, throwing things, yanking sheets off beds, progressing to bodily harm. In Book Four - Poltergeist, Lora Ley & her life-mate Wolf help a friend besieged by troublesome spirits, and find more than they expect.Join Lora and Wolf on a fast-paced adventure as they encounter demons, ghosts and creatures of myth and magic. When Heidi and Marcus Müller buy a fixer-upper manor house on the banks of the Rhine Gorge, little do they know of the ancient spirits who call the place home. With help from the Elfin White Ladies, a flight-challenged fairy and other spirits, supernatural encounters and clues, and pursued by police for murders they didn't commit, Wolf and Lora do battle with the forces of evil that permeate the home and lands.Things go from bad to worse as Heidi is possessed by one of the demonic spirits haunting the premises, Lora finds she can't leave the property and Wolf tries to get from Mittelstadt to the manor house on the Rhine before it's too late.For first time readers of the Lora Ley series, the Nyx are water spirits inhabiting fresh water such as wells, rivers, marshes and lakes. Lora and Wolf are both half-Nyx. The tales take place at the turn of the nineteenth century in Germany, toward the end of the second industrial revolution.