Gina McCarthy, U.S. Marshall, ex decorated New York City Policewoman, stepped over the line. Within forty-eight hours, she violated every oath she'd ever taken by getting involved with a witness.
Marco G. Natalia, son of New York's biggest crime family, has turned state's evidence. He's handsome, intelligent, self-confident and one of the mob's most valuable specimen's. He's more than just a made man. He was born made. His father, the head of the Notorious Natalia family, is dead, gunned down and murdered mob style while eating breakfast with his son. Now Marco G. Natalia is under Gina McCarthy's protection.
From different worlds two people meet, act on their attraction to one another and delve deep into emotions and feelings neither knew existed. Marco has never met a woman like Gina, strong, honest and beyond desirable. Unfortunately for Marco, he's everything Gina holds unholy. For Gina, Marco is a step into forbidden territory, one she knows she'll never forget and will desire for the rest of her life.