When does a man come to realize his sexual orientation? In Charley Paligimo's close Italian family a man isn't deemed a man until he proves it. A wife and kids was the magic combination. At thirty-seven Charley was still struggling to find that perfect woman. The woman, who rang his bell, tweaked his fancy and made his mother happy.
He was a strong man, handsome, macho and yet found most woman he dated better company than bedmates.
The one encounter as a teenager with another guy, he wrote off to experimentation as most people do. Facing carnal desires not deemed acceptable by society haunted Charley day and night. He longed for love, sexual arousement, and completion. But had no idea where he'd find them.
He takes a bold step, decides perhaps he was barking up the wrong tree dating women. He accepts an invite and visits a private club where he finds he's not alone in what he desires, needs and loves. Charley will experience his true first kiss and see what he want is not so much out of contrast from others.