With Trager trapped in the Plane of Deception, Forrorrois is suddenly faced with the kidnapping of their three-and-a-half year old daughter, Celeste. Uncertain who to trust, Forrorrois soon realizes that her only hope is a tenuous alliance with Collinar, her deadly enemy, recently escaped from a Dramudam rehabilitation center where he was serving time for violating the Isolation Treaty. As Forrorrois embarks on her search for Celeste, her earthbound adversary, U.S.A.F. General Samuel Caldwell, charges her family and friends as enemy combatants in an attempt to blackmail her into handing over her alien technology. Torn, Forrorrois must entrust Colonel Jack Stern with the protection of her parents and brother on Earth as she follows Collinar on a deadly journey of discovery that leads to the Plane of Deception, through the treacherous fringe societies of the Environs and the very chambers of the powerful Council of Elda, to save her daughter and Trager. But will Forrorrois quest to make her family whole actually destroy them and serve as a wedge between the Dramudam and the Eldatek culture?