Poppin' Fresh declares martial law-Che Guevara loses his good looks and throws the entire U.S. Left into disarray-Zombie terrorist anchor babies invade the Pentagon. You'll read all this and more in Snidelines: Talking Trash to Power, a startling collection of personal essays and political satire that offers a perverse moral clarity to an increasingly amoral world. Ace reporter Susie Day brings us fast-breaking faux news; pens heartrendingly squalid lesbian grand opera; and dispenses an array of helpful hints, from how to avoid indefinite detention at Guantánamo, to what to do if you happen to fall in love with a political prisoner. Taking on a combustible mash-up of horrors brought to us by our ever-watchful-corporate-feel-good-war-mongering benefactors, Snidelines is an existentialist survival manual that actually makes it fun to fear the unknown.