In a summer heatwave, a college reunion takes a dark turn when old grudges resurface, exposing the lies and betrayals of the past, and leading to a fatal confrontation.A grieving mother...When Claire loses her daughter to suicide, her world falls apart. Tormented by guilt and her own sense of failure, she's determined to confront the man she believes drove Ella to it and make him pay.A reunion of old friends...At a twenty-five-year college reunion, a disparate group of former students, now middle-aged, meet to catch up on each other's lives. During a summer heatwave, the lies, jealousies and betrayals of the past erupt into anger and recriminations that threaten all their futures.A deadly threat...For DS Jo Boden of the Major Investigations Team, it's a job she doesn't want: being a minder for an obnoxious politician at a college reunion. But with a potential killer hiding in plain sight, she's in a race against time to prevent a murder.Readers love Susan Wilkins' crime thrillers: 'Well plotted and unflinchingly told.' Sunday Express'Murder, corruption and a crafted plot make for a fine read.' The Sun'This stylish, clever crime story never lets up... Blazingly brilliant.' Sunday Mirror'Dark and gripping from first page to last, this is Susan Wilkins at her nail-biting best.' Jessie Keane'I was engaged from the very first chapter... Brilliant.' Goodreads reviewer, ★★★★★