The adventures of British Commander, Reginald Barrett, and Native American “Chief,” Nova Orlovic, continue as they take on new political intrigue and mysteries. Part Serbian, part Cheyenne, Nova opened up a Pandora's Box when her team uncovered the inconvenient truth behind the death of her husband, a revered war hero. Foul play pointed to President Lincoln Todd. Yet clever politician Todd spun the narrative in his favor while international powers manipulate him to do their bidding. Meanwhile, a psychic convinces the First Lady that Nikola Tesla sent papers with alien technology to Nova's grandfather during World War II. The First Lady embarks to recover them from Nova, Enemy Number One on the Todd Enemies List. As the Commander used his medical skills to keep Nova alive during her expedition, he now uses them to sleuth dead men's secrets. But at his best friend's wedding in Wyoming, the confluence of superstition, old feuds, and international intrigue peak in this version of Close Encounters of the Weird Kind.