Once upon a time, in 1965, a naive American college student named Cindy was determined to see the world before settling down. Little did she know that her trivial summer job in Luxembourg would land her the lead role in a real-life Cinderella fairy tale. Burdened with mountains of housework in a family-owned hotel there, Cindy is befriended by one of the family's twin daughters, who tries to help her navigate the perilous waters separating responsibility and romance. Two young Luxembourg suitors are competing for Cindy's attention, and they are as different from each other as are bicycles from motor scooters. Which one will become Prince Charming to her Cinderella, appearing just in time to rescue her from her summer of drudgery? And what about the boyfriend she left behind in the States? On a scale of one to ten, how does she rate her three beaus in the kissing department, and who will ultimately win her heart when summer turns to fall?