In a world filled with mindreaders, Zeph is a mindjacker who wants to stay hidden--even if it means the cute mindreader in his Latin class is forever out of his reach. He uses his ability to lock and unlock minds to gain protection from a ruthless mindjacker Clan and to keep his family safe. But when the existence of mindjackers is revealed to the world, it's no longer safe for
any jacker. Zeph is forced to choose between destroying the mind of a young jacker changeling... or turning his back on everyone he loves.
The Locksmith is Zeph's origin story.MINDJACK: KIRAOpen Minds (Book One)
Closed Hearts (Book Two)
Free Souls (Book Three)
Mind Games (Book Four) - novella
The Handler (Book Five) - novella
The Scribe (Book Six) - novella
Keeper (Book Seven) - novella
MINDJACK: ZEPHLocked Tight (Book One)
Cracked Open (Book Two)
Broken Wide (Book Three)
The Locksmith (Book Four) - novella
FORMATS AND TRANSLATIONSMindjack available in ebook, print, audiobook, French and German
LIVE ACTION TRAILERVoted Best Trailer at the 2014 Illinois International Film Festival and one of 50 Most Cinematic Trailers Ever Made - check it out at Susan's website.