In this thrilling, passionate tale, the brother of infamous sea pirate Lady Cat will discover his own share of danger, deception, and daring, as he saves the woman he loves from a terrible fate.
He Could Run From Everything...Except Love
Pressured to take a wife, Jonathan Carlisle has retreated to a rural hunting lodge to consider his options -- only to be seized by kidnappers. Badly wounded in his escape, he awakens in the home of a country physician and his beautiful daughter Melanie. Uncertain of who his enemies are, Jonathan trusts no one and feigns amnesia, but he cannot deny the tender passion he shares with Melanie. And yet, despite their growing bond, he is unaware that Melanie is burdened by a damning secret, until she confesses the truth: she is wanted for the murder of her husband. Now Jonathan must prove his beloved's innocence by exposing a villain and solving a crime -- before they are truly free to share a lifetime of love.