What could be better than a lovely story of hope told by bunnies?Poop diagrams!Bunny Lore is a tale of two parts. A whimsical look at imagined rabbit society, full of amusing details of their bunny culture and myths, coupled with a real-life guide to how to be a good owner should you ever decide to bring a bunny friend into your home.Highlights include amazing bunny poems sure to become your new favorites, a real-life bunny dictionary, and loads of fun!Bunny Lore is a Children's Picture book most appropriate for ages 5 - 12 but enjoyable by all. Within these pages, you will find a lighthearted take on bunnies, assorted poems and nursery rhymes sure to become family favorites, and an actual guide to being a good bunny companion, if you choose to invite a bunny into your life. With proper love and care, bunnies can live as long as many breeds of dogs and will fill your home and heart with joy.