Because she felt partly responsible for the accident which had injured Ryan St. John, Jan offered her help in looking after his young nephew. It would not be long before the domineering Ryan was fit again and she could return to her job in London as designer for a leading fashion house.
But when the time came for her to leave, Jan found herself strangely reluctant to go ...
Mills & Boon
Because she felt partly responsible for the accident which had injured Ryan St. John, Jan offered her help in looking after his young nephew. After all, it would not be long before Ryan was fit again and she could return to her job in London as designer for a leading fashion house.
But as the time went on Jan found herself becoming strangely reluctant at the thought of going. Was it because she was, after all, enjoying the peace and more leisurely pace of life in the country? Or did it have something to do with Ryan himself? In which case Jan had better stop thinking about him, because it was obvious that the glamorous Clare Milne had got their first!