Three psychic sisters taken from their abusive mother as children reunite at their grandmother's funeral. They inherit the family fortune, including the old mansion on the river in Florida. The estate called River Oaks is haunted by the ghosts of ancestors and family slaves.
Amelia, a doctor from London, is the last sister to arrive in Melbourne. She and her cousin, Hawk, are in the airport parking garage when a gunman demands money. Amelia yells and he fires, missing her and hitting the prosthetic leg of the policeman behind them. The cop shoots the gunman and calls for backup. When Amelia tries to check him for injuries, Detective Decker Rodino pushes her away. Stupid woman, yelling at a man with a gun. Sparks fly when she demands he drop his pants so she can adjust his prosthetic leg, which twisted when he fell. He never wants to see her again, then discovers her brother-in-law is his best friend, and she's living with him and her sisters at River Oaks.